Feb 10, 2025  
2022-23 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2022-23 Undergraduate Bulletin ARCHIVED


Course Equivalencies for Texas Common Course Numbers

Common Course Identifiers

Each course is assigned an alphabetic prefix. The prefix specifies the department that offers the course. A four-digit number is also assigned to each course. The first of four digits identifies the academic level of the course. Freshman or firstyear courses are designated by a “1”; sophomore or second-year courses by a “2.” The second digit specifies the number of semester credit hours awarded for the completion of the course. The third and fourth digits distinguish the course within a program area. For example, ENGL 1301 would be a three-semester credit English course normally taken during the freshman year.

Prefix TCCN SFA Course Title Prefix SFA #
ACCT 2301 Prin of Financial Accounting ACC 231
ACCT 2302 Prin Management Accounting ACC 232
AGRI 1131 The Agriculture Industry AGR 100
AGRI 1319 Introductory Animal Science ANS 131
AGRI 2317 Agricultural Economics AEC 261
ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology ANT 231
ANTH 2401 Physical Anthropology ANT 248
ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation ART 280
ARTS 1303 Art History Survey I ART 281
ARTS 1304 Art History Survey II ART 282
ARTS 1311 2-D Design ART 110
ARTS 1312 Three-D Design ART 130
ARTS 1316 Drawing I ART 100
ARTS 1317 Drawing II ART 101
ARTS 2316 Introduction to Painting ART 210
ARTS 2326 Sculpture I ART 230
ARTS 2333 Printmaking I ART 220
ARTS 2341 Intro Art/Metal/Jewelry ART 240
ARTS 2346 Ceramics I ART 250
ARTS 2348 Beginning Digital Media ART 261
ARTS 2356 Intro to Photographic Processes ART 217
BCIS 1305 Intro to Info Processing Systems CSC 121
BIOL 1111 Principles of Botany Lab BIO 131L
BIOL 1113 Principles of Zoology Lab BIO 133L
BIOL 1311 Principles of Botany BIO 131L
BIOL 1313 Principles of Zoology BIO 133
BIOL 2101 Human Anat & Phys I Lab BIO 238L
BIOL 2301 Human Anat & Phys BIO 238
BIOL 2401 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIO 238
BIOL 2402 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIO 239
BUSI 1301 Intro to Business GBU 147
BUSI 2304 Business Communication BCM 247
CHEM 1105 Introductory Chemistry I Lab CHE 111L
CHEM 1107 Introductory Chemistry II Lab CHE 112L
CHEM 1111 General Chemistry I Lab CHE 133L
CHEM 1112 General Chemistry II Lab CHE 134L
CHEM 1305 Introductory Chemistry I CHE 111
CHEM 1307 Introductory Chemistry II CHE 112
CHEM 1311 General Chemistry I CHE 133
CHEM 1312 General Chemistry II CHE 134
COMM 1307 Intro to Mass Media MCM 101
CRIJ 1301 Intro to Criminal Justice CJS 101
CRIJ 2313 Intro to Corrections CJS 231
CRIJ 2314 Criminal Investigation CJS 201
DANC 1210 Tap Dance I Lab DAN 105L
DANC 1222 World Dance Lab DAN 254L
DANC 1241 Ballet I Lab DAN 102L
DANC 1242 Ballet II Lab DAN 202L
DANC 1247 Jazz Dance I Lab DAN 103L
DANC 1248 Jazz Dance II Lab DAN 203L
DANC 2303 Dance Appreciation DAN 140
DRAM 1120 Production Lab THR 150
DRAM 1310 Theatre Appreciation THR 161
DRAM 1330 Intro to Stagecraft THR 241
DRAM 1342 Intro to Theatre Costume THR 231
DRAM 1351 Beginning Acting THR 221
DRAM 2336 Theatre Speech THR 223
DRAM 2366 Film & Culture THR 163
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 231
ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics ECO 232
ENGL 1301 Rhetoric & Composition ENG 131
ENGL 1302 Research & Argument ENG 132
ENGL 2307 Intro to Creative Writing ENG 261
ENGL 2311 Technical & Scientific Writing ENG 273
ENGL 2322 British Lit to 1800 ENG 221
ENGL 2323 British Lit from 1800 ENG 222
ENGL 2327 American Literature to 1865 ENG 229
ENGL 2328 American Literature from 1865 ENG 230
ENGL 2332 World Literature to 1650 ENG 211
ENGL 2333 World Literature from 1650 ENG 212
ENVR 1301 Intro to Environmental Science ENV 110
FREN 2311 Intermediate French FRE 231
FREN 2312 Intermediate French FRE 232
GEOG 1301 Physical Geography GEO 130
GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography GEO 131
GEOL 1103 Introductory Geology Lab GOL 131L
GEOL 1104 The Earth through Time Lab GOL 132L
GEOL 1303 Introductory Geology GOL 131
GEOL 1304 The Earth Through Time GOL 132
GERM 2311 Intermediate German I GER 231
GERM 2312 Intermediate German II GER 232
GOVT 2107 Federal & Texas Constitutions PSC 199
HECO 1322 Introductory Nutrition HMS 239
HECO 2311 Intro to Fashion Merchandising HMS 119
HIST 1301 US History, 1000 -1877 HIS 133
HIST 1302 US History, 1877- Present HIS 134
HIST 2311 Western Civilization to 1500 HIS 151
HIST 2312 Western Civilization since 1500 HIS 152
HIST 2321 World History to 1500 HIS 161
HIST 2322 World History Since 1500 HIS 162
LATI 2311 Intermediate Latin I LAT 231
LATI 2312 Intermediate Latin II LAT 232
MATH 1314 College Algebra MTH 138
MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry MTH 133
MATH 1324 Finite Mathematics MTH 143
MATH 1325 Elem of Calculus App for Bus MTH 144
MATH 1332 Math & Society MTH 110
MATH 1342 Introduction to Probability & Statistics MTH 220
MATH 1350 Intro to Math for Elem Teacher MTH 127
MATH 1351 Intermed Math for Elem Teachers MTH 128
MATH 2313 Calculus I MTH 233
MATH 2412 Pre-Calculus Mathematics MTH 140
MATH 2413 Calculus I with Lab MTH 233
MATH 2414 Calculus II MTH 234
MUSI 1116 Aural Skills I MTC 151
MUSI 1117 Aural Skills II MTC 152
MUSI 1157 Opera Workshop MUP 132
MUSI 1158 Opera Workshop MUP 132
MUSI 1181 Class Piano for Non-Maj 1 MUP 104
MUSI 1182 Class Piano for Non-Maj 2 MUP 105
MUSI 1183 Class Voice MUP 103
MUSI 1211 Theory I MTC 161
MUSI 1212 Theory II MTC 162
MUSI 1301 Fundamentals of Music MUS 160
MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation MUS 140
MUSI 1307 Intro to Music Literature MHL 245
MUSI 2116 Aural Skills III MTC 251
MUSI 2117 Aural Skills IV MTC 252
MUSI 2181 Class Piano for Majors 3 MUP 201
MUSI 2182 Class Piano for Majors 4 MUP 202
MUSI 2211 Theory III MTC 261
MUSI 2212 Theory IV MTC 262
PHED 1301 Foundations of Kinesiology KIN 120
PHED 1304 Core Concepts in Health HSC 121
PHED 1306 ARC First Aid for Health Emergencies HSC 151
PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 153
PHIL 2303 Intro to Critical Thinking/Logic PHI 163
PHIL 2306 Introduction to Ethics PHI 223
PHYS 1101 Mechanics & Heat Lab PHY 131L
PHYS 1102 Electricity Sound & Light Lab PHY 132L
PHYS 1105 General Physics Lab PHY 101L
PHYS 1107 General Physics II Lab PHY 102L
PHYS 1301 Mechanics & Heat PHY 131
PHYS 1302 Electricity Sound & Light PHY 132
PHYS 1305 General Physics PHY 101
PHYS 1307 General Physics II PHY 102
PHYS 2125 Technical Physics Lab PHY 241L
PHYS 2126 Technical Physics II Lab PHY 242L
PHYS 2325 Technical Physics PHY 241
PHYS 2326 Technical Physics II PHY 242
PORT 2311 Intermediate Portuguese I POR 231
PORT 2312 Intermediate Portuguese II POR 232
PSYC 2301 General Psychology PSY 133
PSYC 2306 Human Sexuality PSY 153
PSYC 2315 Psychology of Adjustment PSY 143
SGNL 1301 Beginning Am Sign Language SPH 172
SGNL 1302 Intermediate Amer Sign Language SPH 272
SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology SOC 137
SOCI 2319 Race & Ethnic Relations SOC 139
SOCI 2326 Society and Identity SOC 253
SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish SPA 231
SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish SPA 232
SPAN 2315 SPA for Heritage Speakers II SPA 242
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking COM 111
SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication I COM 170