The Bachelor of Science in kinesiology with an emphasis in exercise science prepares students for future specialized training and careers in clinical medicine, research, rehabilitation, therapy, fitness, athletic strength/conditioning and other allied-health areas. The exercise science program provides a rigorous, scientific-based curriculum and hands-on clinical and field experiences to provide students with an understanding of various career demands and possibilities.
Increases in public awareness of the importance of overall health, physical activity and exercise have led to intensive growth in the public and private sectors of health and fitness clubs (primary and secondary intervention), as well as clinical settings often housed within hospitals (secondary and tertiary intervention). In response to this growth, the exercise science program is designed to prepare students to meet the increased demands for professionally certified individuals.
Kinesiology majors are required to take BIO 238 and PHY 101 as part of the quantitative skills and science requirements of the Bachelor of Science.
Students are encouraged to participate in the activities of the SFA Alliance, the departmental professional club, PEK Honors Fraternity, Hunger Jacks and other related departmental activities.