2018-19 Undergraduate Bulletin ARCHIVED
James I. Perkins College of Education
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McKibben Education Building, Room 213
Phone: (936) 468-1410
Fax: (936) 468-1475
P.O. Box 13023, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, TX 75962
Email: collegeofeducation@sfasu.edu
Web: sfasu.edu/education
The James I. Perkins College of Education includes the Departments of Elementary Education, Human Services, Kinesiology and Health Science, and Secondary Education and Educational Leadership, and the School of Human Sciences. Each offers programs of study in educator certification as well as in various professional programs. For a list of the programs of study, see the appropriate department/school section in this bulletin.
The mission of the James I. Perkins College of Education is to prepare competent, successful, caring and enthusiastic professionals from diverse backgrounds who are dedicated to responsible service, leadership, social justice, and continued professional and intellectual development in an interconnected global society.
In the James I. Perkins College of Education at SFA, we value and are committed to:
- academic excellence through critical, reflective and creative thinking
- lifelong learning
- collaboration and shared decision-making
- openness to new ideas, culturally diverse people, innovation and change
- integrity, responsibility, diligence and ethical behavior
- and service that enriches the community.
The James I. Perkins College of Education is fully accredited through the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. In addition, many of the programs in the Perkins College of Education have been nationally recognized through national professional accrediting bodies.
Office of Student Services and Advising Center
Dr. Stacy Hendricks, associate dean
The Perkins College of Education’s Office of Student Services and Advising is located in the McKibben Education Building, Suite 118. This office provides the following services for all Perkins College of Education students:
- Tentative degree plans - to be filed after 45 hours
- Final degree plans - to be filed after completing 90 semester credit hours
- Petitions or changes to degree plans
- Change of majors/minors
- Filing for graduation
- Course substitutions
- Advising for all undergraduate students with majors in the college
Candidates seeking certification at the secondary level must complete an academic major and file for a degree plan in the appropriate dean’s office.
Please note that undergraduate degrees require 30 hours earned at SFA with at least 30 advanced hours (300 to 400 level).
Office of Assessment and Accountability
Dr. Christina Sinclair, associate dean
The Perkins College of Education’s Office of Assessment and Accountability is located in McKibben Education Building, Suite 212. This office provides the following services for Perkins College of Education students:
- Coordinates clinical practice and field experiences
- Coordinates education certification testing (TExES)
- Coordinates educator certification through the Texas Education Agency
- Coordinates data collection and management for accountability and accreditation purposes
Scholarships and Fellowships
A number of scholarships are available for students in the Perkins College of Education. Candidates interested in applying for scholarships should contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance.
Student Organizations
A variety of student organizations are sponsored by faculty in the Perkins College of Education, including:
- American Society of Interior Designers
- Braille and Cane Club
- Collegiate Middle Level Association
- Early Childhood Organization
- Eta Sigma Delta
- Jacks Council on Family Relations
- Family/Consumer Science Teachers Association
- Fashion Merchandising Club
- Hospitality Administration Society
- Hunger Jacks
- Human Sciences Ambassadors
- International Interior Design Association
- Kappa Delta Pi
- Kinesiology and Health Science Alliance Club
- Kinesiology and Health Science Organization of Athletic Training Students
- National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Phi Epsilon Kappa
- Phi Upsilon Omicron
- Student Association for Applied Behavior Analysis
- Student Association for Nutrition and Dietetics
- Student Council for Exceptional Children
- Student Merchandising Club
- Student Psychology Student Organization
- Student Wellness Action Team Peer Health Education
- Talking Hands
- Texas State Teachers Association - Student Program
More information about student organizations can be found at sfasu.edu/studentaffairs/103.asp.
Educator Certification
Educator preparation programs at SFA are standards-focused, learner-centered and field-based. The college prepares educators in a collaborative, proficiency-driven, learner-centered program to meet needs of a diverse society.
Typical degree programs for candidates who wish to obtain certification include coursework in general education (core curriculum), an academic major, the teaching field(s) and professional education. Individuals must meet admission requirements to educator certification and pay the required non-refundable application fee. Individuals who already hold a bachelor’s degree and wish to obtain a teacher’s certificate should contact the Educator Certification officer in the Office of Assessment and Accountability. Teacher certification is available at both the undergraduate and graduate level for most areas.
The State Board of Educator Certification issues educator certificates. Candidates must apply for their certificates through SBEC. SFA will make a recommendation for certification to SBEC when an individual has met degree requirements; the degree has been conferred; all certification requirements have been met, including coursework, successful completion of the TExES and field experience (clinical practice at the undergraduate and graduate level or one-year teaching internship at the graduate level); and the online application has been submitted. When holders of out-of-state certificates wish to obtain a Texas Teacher’s Certificate, they are required to contact the State Board for Education Certification in Austin, (888) 863-5880 or online, for information and application for certification in Texas.
Additional information on educator certification may be obtained from the Office of Assessment and Accountability, McKibben Education Building, Room 212, or call (936) 468-1064.
State Accountability System for Educator Preparation
All SFA educator preparation programs are accredited by the state. The overall initial pass rate for individuals completing a certification program during the latest reporting period is 99 percent.
National Report Card (Title II)
Ninety-nine percent of SFA candidates seeking initial teacher certification during the latest reporting period passed all state-required assessments in basic skills, professional knowledge/pedagogy, academic content area and/or teaching special populations.
Note: Professional certificate programs are outlined in the Graduate Bulletin.
Criteria for Admission to the Educator Preparation Program
- A degree plan with approximately 60 semester hours completed, including a minimum of 12 hours at SFA.
- A minimum of 12 hours completed in the teaching field with required GPA (grades four to eight science and mathematics as well as secondary education science/mathematics must have 15 credit hours).
- GPA of 2.75 overall or on the last 60 hours. The GPA must be maintained throughout the program or on the last 60 hours.
- An interview or other screening instrument.
- Students must read and adhere to the Educator’s Code of Ethics.
- Students must read and agree to the PCOE Professional Dispositions Statement.
- Pay a $100 non-refundable application fee.
Note: All students must provide evidence of Basic Skills test scores. Test scores must be within the past five years.
- Demonstrate skills in reading with one of the following:
- Designation as TSI complete
- ACT composite score of 23
- Demonstrate skills in written communication with one of the following:
- Designation as TSI complete
- ACT verbal (reading) or math score of 19
- SAT reading and writing score of 480
- Demonstrate skills in mathematics with one of the following:
- Designation as TSI complete
- ACT verbal (reading) or math score of 19
- SAT math score of 530
- Students must give permission for a criminal background check. Convicted felons are not eligible for admission to the Educator Preparation Program.
- Students must read and adhere to the policies and procedures listed in the Undergraduate Educator Preparation Handbook.
Note: These requirements may be changed by action of the Professional Educators Council at any time. See the Graduate Bulletin for admission criteria to educator preparation at the graduate level.
Candidate Intervention and Program Continuation Procedures
Faculty members work with all candidates using informal attempts to change behaviors that include, but are not limited to, the following: providing guidance, observation, anecdotal records and meetings with the student. If informal attempts do not result in improvement or a change in behavior, then the teacher education candidate is referred to a more formal intervention procedure, including, but not limited to, the program continuation review panel.
Recommendation for Certification
Texas law requires every person seeking educator certification to perform satisfactorily on comprehensive examinations. The purpose of these examinations is to ensure that each educator has the prerequisite content and professional knowledge necessary for an entry-level position in Texas public schools. The Texas Examination of Educator Standards was developed for this purpose.
In order to be eligible to take the certification examinations, a person must be admitted to Educator Preparation, must have completed all coursework required for the test, and must have approval from the appropriate department. Application for the tests is made through the Perkins College of Education’s Office of Assessment and Accountability.
Applicants with a criminal felony conviction are not admitted to Educator Certification. In accordance with Article 6252.13c, Texas Civil Statutes, the Commissioner of Education may suspend or revoke a teaching certificate or refuse to issue a teaching certificate for a person who has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor for a crime that directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of the teaching profession. All potential certificate applicants with criminal felony or misdemeanor convictions should refer to the National Criminal History Checks-FAQ, which can be found online.
To receive a recommendation for educator certification, the candidate must apply and submit a fee for the credential directly to the State Board for Educator Certification. The SBEC will require all first-time applicants for an initial credential to be fingerprinted as part of a national criminal background check. A fingerprinting fee will be charged.
Policies guiding teacher certification are subject to change by action of the SBEC.
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