2018-19 Undergraduate Bulletin ARCHIVED
College of Liberal and Applied Arts
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Ferguson Building, Room 273
Phone: (936) 468-2803
Fax: (936) 468-2190
P.O. Box 13033 or 13002
Nacogdoches, TX 75962
Email: libarts@sfasu.edu
Web: sfasu.edu/laa
One of the largest and most diverse of SFA’s colleges, the College of Liberal and Applied Arts is a center of academic excellence. Comprised of 10 departments, schools and divisions, the college provides opportunities to acquire both the knowledge base necessary for informed citizenship and the specific skills required for professional success. Students in the college learn to analyze complex problems, to make critical judgments and to formulate innovative solutions.
The college offers a Bachelor of Arts in criminal justice, communication studies, English, geography, history, liberal studies, mass communication, modern languages, philosophy, political science, psychology, public administration, sociology and sustainable community development. The college offers a Bachelor of Science in communication studies, geography, mass communication, multidisciplinary studies, political science, psychology, public administration and sociology. Students in the college also can pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts in creative writing or a Bachelor of Social Work. A Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences is available to students meeting specific admission requirements. Teacher certification programs are offered in English, French, history, social studies, speech communication and Spanish.
The College of Liberal and Applied Arts is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, scholarship, creative work and service. The college’s schools, departments and programs prepare students for their future endeavors in the global community and encourage lifelong intellectual and aesthetic enrichment.
Advising and Student Services
The Office of the Dean and individual academic departments oversee the curricular programs of students who pursue any of the courses of study offered within the college. Most students work with faculty advisors in the academic departments to develop specific degree plans while those working toward degrees in applied arts and sciences, liberal studies, multidisciplinary studies or other interdisciplinary programs are assigned an advisor by the chair of the Division of Multidisciplinary Programs.
Students who have declared a major in the college and have earned fewer than 45 semester credit hours should contact the Liberal and Applied Arts Academic and Career Advising Office, located in the Ferguson Building, Room 291, at (936) 468-2205 or at laaadvising@sfasu.edu. Students who have not yet declared a major are advised in the Academic Advising Center, located on the second floor of the Steen Library, Room 203.
Many college departments have specific advising schedules. Students should contact the department that oversees their degree program for advising information.
The Council on Social Work Education has accredited the bachelor’s and master’s programs in social work.
Scholarships and Fellowships
- Cyd Adams Scholarship
- Ron Adkison Scholarship: Political science majors
- The Chase Scholarship: Language majors
- W.H. and Rhonda Clark Memorial Scholarship: English majors
- Elizabeth B. Davis Award: Language majors
- Dean T.E. Ferguson Creative Writing Scholarship Fund
- Gladys Fox Scholarship: English majors
- Joe J. Fisher Scholarship: Pre-law emphasis, government, forestry or criminal justice
- Hulie Freeze Pre-law Scholarship: Pre-law emphasis
- “Red” and Thelma Jagoe Harling Scholarship: History and political science majors
- Lillian E. Hoover Scholarship: English majors
- L. Kelly Jones Pre-Law Scholarship: Pre-law emphasis
- T.J. Kallsen Scholarship: English majors
- The Tommie Jan Lowery Outstanding History Graduate Award
- Sylvia McGrath Memorial Scholarship
- Jack Raines McKinney History Scholarship: History majors, restricted to Texas history
- Joe Murray Writing
- James L. Nichols Scholarship
- Outstanding Political Science Student (Phi Sigma Alpha)
- Outstanding Political Science Senior
- David Petty Gerontology Scholarship: Gerontology majors
- ROTC (U.S. Army) for nursing and other students pursuing a commission as a U.S. Army officer
- Mike Shapiro Radio/TV
- Sara S. Snyder Scholarship: English majors and history majors
- TX NC RSVP (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board)
Student Organizations
- Alpha Chi
- Alpha Kappa Delta (Sociology Honor Society)
- Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice Honor Society)
- Amnesty International
- Anthropology Club
- Ad-Hoc (American Advertising Federation)
- Criminal Justice Association
- French Club
- Gamma Theta Upsilon (Geography Honor Society)
- Geography Club
- Gerontology Club
- History Club
- Lambda Pi Eta (Communication Honor Society)
- National Broadcasting Society (NBS)
- Phi Alpha (Social Work Honor Society)
- Phi Alpha Theta (History Honor Society)
- Phi Delta Pi (National French Honor Society)
- Pi Kappa Delta (Debate)
- Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science Honor Society)
- Pre-Law Club
- Psi Chi (Psychology Honor Society)
- Psychology Club
- Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
- Sigma Delta Pi (National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society)
- Sigma Tau Delta (International English Honor Society)
- Sociology Club
- Student Association of Social Workers (SASW)
- Spanish Club
- Students for Public Administration (SEPA)
- World Politics Club
Academic Probation, Suspension and Reinstatement
The college enforces university policies regarding academic probation, suspension and reinstatement as described earlier in this bulletin.
Undecided Students
Students who are undecided about a major are required to seek advising on a course of study prior to each registration period. The advising program for undecided majors allows the student to explore different curricular areas before declaring a major. Through the program, students can select a combination of general education and elective courses that will apply toward a degree when the student eventually declares a major. Additionally, faculty advisors are available to counsel with students about the choice of majors and other academic matters throughout the semester. The advising office for undecided majors is the Academic Advising Center. (See Student Services section of this bulletin.)
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