Mar 29, 2025  
2018-19 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2018-19 Undergraduate Bulletin ARCHIVED

Advanced Placement and Credit by Examination

SFA offers several options for students to earn college credit through various placement programs and national examinations. Students can receive college credit through the College Level Examination Program, Advanced Placement Program of the College Board, International Baccalaureate Program and SFA departmental examinations.

Policies Governing Credit by Examination and Advanced Placement

The following are university policies and procedures that apply to all credit awarded through any advanced placement or credit-by-examination program.

  1. Students pay a $10 fee for each locally administered departmental advanced placement examination.
  2. Credit by examination may not be earned for:
    1. any course (or its equivalent) in which the student is currently officially enrolled at SFA beyond the 12th class day
    2. any subject area in which the student has already earned credit for a more advanced course except by permission of the dean
    3. or any course for which the student has already received a grade.
  3. To earn credit for a locally administered examination, a student must make a score equivalent to at least a C. Departments may, however, require a grade equivalent of A or B.
  4. Credit-by-examination courses are identified on the transcript as such to distinguish them from classroom courses. They are recorded on the transcript as a credit (P) rather than a letter grade. Unsuccessful attempts to earn credit by examination are not recorded on the transcript.
  5. A student may receive credit for a maximum of 32 hours of coursework in credit-by-examination programs. These hours do not count as credit earned in residence.
  6. Credit received by examination satisfies degree requirements in the same way as credit earned by passing courses. A student’s cumulative GPA will not be affected by receiving credit by examination.
  7. Credit earned by examination does not apply to SFA residence requirements and does not satisfy requirements for the provisional program or Pathways.
  8. The CLEP or AP policy in effect at the time the test is taken will determine the credit awarded.
  9. Students may not attempt credit for a CLEP examination in which a failing grade has been earned at any educational institution for the course.

Subject to change.

Advanced Placement Program

Students should specify SFA’s code 6682 to have official test scores sent to the Office of Admissions. The College Board’s AP Office can be reached at (609) 771-7300 or (800) 225-5427 or by email at following is a list of SFA courses and credit hours that are awarded for successful AP scores:

College Board’s Advanced Placement Examinations

AP Examination Minimum Score SFA Course Credit Hours

Art - Studio Art -Drawing 4 ART 100   3
Art - Studio Art 2D Design 4 ART 110   3
Art - Studio Art 3D Design 3 ART 130   3
Art History 3 ART 280   3
Biology 4 BIO 130   3
Calculus - AB 3 MTH 233  and MTH 233L   4
Calculus - BC 3 MTH 233  and MTH 233L , MTH 234   8
Calculus - BC (AB sub-score) 3 MTH 233  and MTH 233L   4
Chemistry 3 CHE 111  and CHE 111L , CHE 112  and CHE 112L   8
Computer Science A 3 CSC 100  3
Computer Science A 4 or 5 CSC 100  and CSC 102  6
Computer Science Principles 3 CSC 100  3
Economics - Macro 3 ECO 231   3
Economics - Micro 3 ECO 232   3
English Lang./Composition 3 ENG 131   3
English Lang./Composition 4 or 5 ENG 131  and ENG 132   6
English Lit./Composition 3 ENG 131   3
English Lit./Composition 4 or 5 ENG 131  and ENG 132   6
Environmental Science 3 ENV 110   3
French Language and Culture 3 FRE 131 , FRE 132   6
French Language and Culture 4 FRE 131 , FRE 132 , FRE 231   9
French Language and Culture 5 FRE 131 , FRE 132 , FRE 231 , FRE 232   12
German Language and Culture 3 GER 131 , GER 132   6
German Language and Culture 4 GER 131 , GER 132 , GER 231   9
German Language and Culture 5 GER 131 , GER 132 , GER 231 , GER 232   12
Government & Politics - U.S. 3 PSC 142   3
Government and Politics - Comparative N/A No Credit 0
History - European 3 HIS 152   3
History - U.S. 4 HIS 133 , HIS 134   6
History - U.S. 3 HIS 133   3
History - World 3 HIS 161   3
History - World 4 HIS 161 , HIS 162   6
Human Geography 3 GEO 230   3
Latin 3 LAT 131 , LAT 132   6
Latin 4 LAT 131 , LAT 132  (6) + LAT 231  (3) 9
Latin 5 LAT 131 , LAT 132  (6) + LAT 231 , LAT 232  (6) 12
Music Theory (Aural Subscore) 3 MTC 151   1
Music Theory (Aural Subscore) 4 MTC 151 , MTC 152   2
Music Theory (Non-Aural Sub) 3 MTC 161   2
Music Theory (Non-Aural Sub) 4 MTC 161 , MTC 162   4
Physics 1 3 PHY 131  and PHY 131L   4
Physics 2 3 PHY 132  and PHY 132L   4
Physics C - Mechanics 3 PHY 241  and PHY 241L   4
Physics C - Electricity and Magnetism 3 PHY 242  and PHY 242L   4
*Psychology 3 PSY 133   3
Spanish Language and Culture 3 SPA 131 , SPA 132   6
Spanish Language and Culture 4 SPA 131 , SPA 132 , SPA 231   9
Spanish Language and Culture 5 SPA 131 , SPA 132 , SPA 231 , SPA 232   12
Spanish Literature and Culture 3 SPA 131 , SPA 132 , SPA 231 , SPA 232   12
Spanish Literature and Culture 4 or 5 SPA 131 , SPA 132 , SPA 231 , SPA 232 , SPA 304   15
Statistics 3 MTH 220   3

*The awarding of PSY 133  for an AP score of 3 or higher will be effective spring 2017 for students who take the AP exam during 2017 and after. Students who are currently enrolled at SFA and who received a score of 3 did not receive credit for PSY 133 .

College-Level Examination Program

Students may take CLEP tests at SFA or at any other location and should specify the code 6682 to have official scores sent to the Office of Admissions. Credit will be awarded based on SFA’s credit-by-exam policy in effect at the time the test was taken. Students must wait six months to retake an exam and must not currently be enrolled in the course. In addition, students may not take the same CLEP test more than twice. The College Board’s CLEP office can be reached at (800) 257-9558 or by email at to have additional score reports sent. The following are the minimum computer-based CLEP score requirements to receive college credit at SFA:

Subject Examination Minimum Score SFA Course Credit Hours

Algebra, College 50 MTH 138   3
American Government 50 PSC 100-level 3
American Literature N/A No Credit 0
Analysis and Interpretation of Literature N/A No Credit 0
Biology 50 BIO 121   4
Business Law, Introduction N/A No Credit 0
Calculus 50 MTH 233  and MTH 233L   4
Chemistry 50 CHE 111 /CHE 111L   4
Chemistry 60 CHE 111 /CHE 111L , & CHE 112 /CHE 112L L 8
Composition, College N/A No Credit 0
Composition Modular, College N/A No Credit 0
Educational Psychology, Introduction 60 EPS 380   3
English Literature N/A No Credit 0
Financial Accounting 50 ACC 231   3
French Language 50 FRE 131 , FRE 132   6
German Language 50 GER 131 , GER 132   6
Human Growth and Development 60 EPS 485   3
Humanities N/A No Credit 0
Information Systems and Computer App. N/A No Credit 0
Mathematics, College N/A No Credit 0
Natural Sciences N/A No Credit 0
Pre-Calculus 50 MTH 139   3
Principles of Macroeconomics 54 ECO 231   3
Principles of Microeconomics 54 ECO 232   3
Principles of Management 56 MGT 370   3
Principles of Marketing 62 MKT 351   3
Psychology, Introduction N/A No Credit 0
Social Science and History N/A No Credit 0
Sociology, Introduction 50 SOC 137   3
Spanish Language 50 SPA 131 , SPA 132   6
U.S. History I 56 HIS 133   3
U.S. History II 56 HIS 134   3
Western Civilization I 56 HIS 151   3
Western Civilization II 56 HIS 152   3

International Baccalaureate Program

Students who participate in the International Baccalaureate Program may receive college credit for exam scores of 4 or higher on most higher-level (HL) exams and 5 or higher on most standard-level (SL) exams. The amount of credit awarded will depend upon the exam scores and the level of the courses. In compliance with SB 111 students admitted will be granted a minimum of 24 hours of credit if they have earned the IB diploma and have no score lower than a 4 on the HL and SL exams. If qualified, credit will be awarded for a score of 4 instead of 5 on the SL exams as shown on the following equivalency chart:

IB Subject SL Score HL Score SFA Course Credit Hours

Anthropology 5 4 ANT 231   3
Anthropology   5+ ANT 231 , ANT 200-level 6
Biology 5 4 BIO 121   4
Biology   5 BIO 130   3
Biology   6-7 BIO 130 , 133 7
Business and Mgmt 5 4 GBU 147   3
Classical Languages (Greek) 4 4 IDS1 - - - 6
Classical Languages (Greek)   5+ IDS1 - - - and 2 - - - 12
Classical Languages (Latin) 4 4 LAT 131 , LAT 132   6
Classical Languages (Latin)   5+ LAT 131 , LAT 132 , LAT 231 , LAT 232   12
Computer Science 5 4 CSC 101   3
Economics 5 4 ECO 231 , ECO 232   6
English A1 5 4 or 5 ENG 131 , ENG 132   6
Environmental Systems 3   ENV 110   4
French A2 or B 5 4 FRE 131 , FRE 132   8
French A2 or B   5+ FRE 131 , FRE 132 , FRE 231 , FRE 232   14
Geography 5 4 GEO 131   3
Geography   5+ GEO 131 , SUS 101   6
History of the Americas 5 4 HIS 100-level 3
History of the Americas   5+ HIS 100-level 6
Islamic History 5 4 HIS 100-level 3
Islamic History   5+ HIS 100-level 6
Languages A2 or B (other) 5 4 ILA 111 , ILA 112   8
Languages A2 or B (other)   5+ ILA 111 , ILA 112 , 200-level (6) 14
Mathematics (HL only)   4 MTH 233   3
Music 5 4 MUS 140   3
Philosophy 5 4 PHI 153   3
Philosophy   5+ PHI 153 , PHI 100-level 6
Physics 5 4 PHY 101 /PHY 101L , PHY 102 /PHY 102L   8
Psychology 5 4 PSY 133   3
Psychology   5+ PSY 133 , PSY 100-level 6
Spanish A2 or B 5 4 SPA 131 , SPA 132   6
Spanish A2 or B   5+ SPA 131 , SPA 132 , SPA 231 , SPA 232   12
Theatre Arts 5 4 THR 161   3
Visual Arts 5 4 ART 280   3

*Must pass lab for credit.

Internally Administered Examinations

Students already enrolled at SFA may acquire pass credit by successfully completing internally administered examinations or by a departmental advanced placement system that allows students to earn credit or bypass certain courses.

Departments currently awarding either advanced placement or credit by examination are listed below. Students interested in taking an internally administered examination should contact the appropriate department to seek approval and pre-register.

  1. ACC 231  Students must provide evidence of some practical experience or education in accounting and should inquire about the content of the examination prior to making application to take the test. The minimal passing grade is B.
  2. Art: Students who receive unanimous consent from all members of the Advanced Standing Committee may waive the prerequisites ART 100  and/or ART 110 , and go to the next highest-level course. If a student receives a grade lower than C in the next highest-level course, the student will then be required to take that course for which she or he received advanced placement. If the student is given a grade of C or higher, the student will be allowed to replace the bypassed hours with an additional art elective. If the student receives a grade of A in the next highest-level course, she or he may petition the Advanced Standing Committee for credit in the bypassed course. Interested students should check with the chair for portfolio submission deadlines.
  3. CHE 133  and CHE 134  (General Chemistry): The minimal passing grade on these examinations is C. A separate lab test is administered for CHE 133L -CHE 134L .
  4. CSC 101  and CSC 121 : To qualify for the examination, a student must provide evidence of some practical experience or education in computer application software and the operating system. The examination consists of a written component and a computer-based competency component. Applicants should inquire about the content of the examination prior to making application to take the test. The examination can be taken only once per student. The minimal passing grade is B.

    CSC 102 : To qualify for the examination a student must not have previously attempted CSC 102 . Applicants must register for the examination through the Department of Computer Science  at least 24 hours before the examination time. The test will normally be administered on the third class day of a term. The test will be graded by a committee of at least three faculty members. The student will receive credit for CSC 102  only if all graders agree that the student has sufficient knowledge of the programming language. Students will not be permitted to take the examination more than once.
  5. English: Qualified students may earn advanced placement credit as a consequence of their performance in an accelerated course for freshmen, ENG 133H  . Students who have a score of 28 or higher on the English section of the ACT or a 580 or higher on the SAT reading test are eligible to enroll in ENG 133H . Those who perform well in this course, earning an A, will be recommended by the instructor for six hours of advanced-placement credit and will fulfill their core curriculum requirement for rhetoric and composition. A grade of B or C will earn three hours of advanced-placement credit (ENG 131 ).
  6. GOL 131  and GOL 132  (General Geology): The minimal passing grade is B.
  7. MTH 133  (Plane Trigonometry), MTH 138  (College Algebra), and MTH 139  (Plane Analytic Geometry): The minimal passing grade is C.
  8. Military Science: Students who have prior military service and students who participated in JROTC in high school may be eligible for advanced placement not to exceed four semesters. Eligibility will be determined by the professor of military science after interviewing the student.
  9. Modern Languages: Advanced placement with credit for courses bypassed may be earned in French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. Such credit is available in the sequence of FRE 131 , GER 131 , POR 131  and SPA 131  - FRE 132 , GER 132 , POR 132  and SPA 132 , FRE 231 , GER 231 , POR 231  and SPA 231  - FRE 232 , GER 232 , POR 232  and SPA 232 , SPA 241 - SPA 242 , and FRE 303  and SPA 303 . In the 131-303 sequence, the student must earn a grade of C or higher in the course taken in order to receive bypass credit. Bypass credit may be earned only in sequence. Repeated courses do not carry bypass credit. In all cases, the student must apply for bypass credit from the dean of the College of Liberal and Applied Arts  through the Department of Languages, Cultures and Communication .

    Students who are unsure as to proper placement in language courses are strongly encouraged to take the placement examination offered free each semester by the department. The examination carries no credit and is for placement only. On the basis of the score earned on the examination, the language advisor recommends a course commensurate with the student’s level of competence in the language.
  10. Music: Through internally administered examinations, students may earn a maximum of six hours’ credit in music theory. The minimal passing grade is B.
  11. SOC 137  (Introduction to Sociology): Student seeking pass credit for SOC 137  must earn a score of 50 or higher on the Introduction to Sociology CLEP exam.
  12. Theatre: All courses currently offered by the School of Theatre  are available for advanced placement. The awarding of advanced placement signifies that the student has successfully met all academic and/or performance objectives for the course under consideration.

    The faculty member, when satisfied that the student has successfully met the objectives for the particular course, will recommend to the theatre faculty that advanced placement be awarded. The student will be granted advanced placement upon the approval vote of a majority of the theatre faculty. Notification of the awarding of advanced placement will be entered on the student’s official SFA transcript.
  13. SPH 172  and SPH 272  (Beginning and Intermediate American Sign Language): The SPH 172  placement test consists of:
    1. a computer-based test with vocabulary, phrases, numbers and fingerspelling
    2. and signing the “Three Little Pigs” following a model provided by the department.

The SPH 272  departmental exam consists of:

  1. a computer-based receptive test
  2. and an interview with a faculty member.

For both tests, a score of 80 percent or higher is required. Students desiring to be considered for advanced placement should contact the departmental instructor currently or most recently teaching the particular course. The faculty member and student will develop an evaluation procedure consisting of examinations and/or projects that will attempt to assess the student’s competencies in the specific course content.

The awarding of advanced placement entitles the student to enroll in the next level course within the appropriate area of concentration or place out of an area requirement if advanced credit is not stipulated in the degree plan. The awarding of advanced placement does not carry university credit or require the student to pay tuition charges for awarded courses.

Correspondence Work

While SFA does not offer correspondence courses, it recognizes correspondence work completed at other regionally accredited institutions within the following limits: the maximum of such total credit allowed for correspondence study is 18 semester hours, and all transfer credit must be approved by the Office of Admissions.