2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog
Department of Military Science
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Lt. Col. Gilberto Escobedo, chair
Military Science Building
Phone: (936) 468-4505
P.O. Box 13059, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, TX 75962
Fax: (936) 468-4504
Email: rotc@sfasu.edu
Web: sfasu.edu/rotc
Gilberto Escobedo, Lieutenant Colonel, Quartermaster
Assistant Professor
Jerome Jones, Captain, Military Police
Senior Instructor
Jaime Contreras, Master Sergeant, Infantry
Douglas Cook, Sergeant First Class, Infantry
Joseph Williamson, Sergeant First Class, Signal Corps
Basic military science courses are open to all students, male and female, and may be taken with no military service obligation. Qualified students may choose to participate in the Reserve Officer Training Corps commissioning program, which provides students with the opportunity to earn a commission as a second lieutenant in the regular U.S. Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard while pursuing an academic degree.
Administrative Information
Military science courses receive full academic credit. Students are provided all necessary classroom and laboratory material by the Department of Military Science. For additional information, visit the Military Science Building on campus, or call (936) 468-4505.
Admission Requirements
Freshman admission requirements to the ROTC program are identical to university admission requirements. Entry into the advanced portion (MILS 3300- and 4300-level instruction) of the commissioning program is exclusive to qualified students who are pursuing a commission as a U.S. Army officer or those who have been approved to pursue a minor in military science.
Transfer Students
Students transferring to SFA from another institution may enroll in military science courses and may be eligible for the commissioning program even if the student did not participate in ROTC at the previous institution. The level of entry into the program is dependent upon academic status and prior service experience. Interested students should contact the Department of Military Science as soon as possible.
Veteran Advanced Placement
Students who have prior military service may be eligible for advanced placement credit. Eligibility will be determined by the professor of military science after an interview and review of military records. Students currently involved with the Army National Guard or U.S. Army Reserve may participate in the commissioning program and take advantage of additional benefits.
Writing-Enhanced Courses and Honors Courses
Students may petition their individual instructor and the department chair for writing-enhanced course credit for all military science courses. A similar process is used for earning honors course credit for military science courses.
Laboratory Requirements
Laboratory requirements outlined in the course descriptions are co-requisite with the lecture portion of that course. A separate lab grade is given for MILS 2107 and MILS 4107 .
Lab activities may include rappelling, orienteering, land navigation, obstacle course, tactical leadership, marksmanship, guest speakers and other activities as scheduled. Each student will be required to turn in a medical release form stating the ability to handle vigorous physical activity.
Students enrolled in MILS 2107 receive one credit hour per semester. Enrollment in a 1200- or 2200-level military science course is co-requisite to enrollment in MILS 2107 . MILS 2107 is designed to enhance personal development in leadership, confidence and physical fitness.
ROTC Scholarships
Army ROTC offers two-, three- and four-year merit-based scholarships to qualified students. Texas National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve scholarships also are available. Contact the Department of Military Science for details.
ROTC Stipends
ROTC stipends for contracted students in the commissioning program are $420 per month for freshman, sophomore, junior and senior students during the school year.
Nursing Students
Army ROTC also provides two- three- and four-year scholarships to nursing students with an opportunity to attend specialized training while still in school. Selected commissioning program nursing students have the opportunity to conduct the nursing summer training program and gain up to four credit hours toward nursing electives.
Service Obligations
Students in the commissioning program incur a service duty obligation of eight years. These eight years can be served on U.S. Army active duty, in the National Guard or in U.S. Army Reserve component status.
Military Science Activities
ROTC activities include the Austin Color Guard, Ranger Challenge, Battery Cannon Crew and Austin Raiders. Selected cadets may attend a variety of Army schools to include airborne training, air assault training and survival training. Opportunities in cadet troop leadership training, nursing summer training program, and the cultural understanding and language proficiency program are available to contracted cadets during the summer. Specific information may be obtained from the Department of Military Science.
Professional Military Education Required Course for Contract Students
Students pursuing a commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve or National Guard through ROTC, in addition to the normal requirements for commissioning, must complete a required military history course offered within the department (MILS 3375 ) or by the university. Further details may be acquired by contacting the Department of Military Science.
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